4 Ingredient Butternut Squash Dog Treats

White Scribbled Underline

Flour, butternut squash, banana and eggs are all you need to make these easy 4 ingredient butternut squash dog treats.


Whisk eggs, then add cooked butternut squash and banana. Mash up, with a potato masher, until mixture is fairly uniform.

Sprinkle flour over the egg mixture and stir together. Using clean hands, work in all of the flour and form the dough into a ball.

Flour the counter and using a floured rolling pin, roll the dough out to 1/8″ thick, then use bone shaped cookie cutters to make treats.

When using a 2 inch cookie cutter, the recipe makes 95 treats – plenty for sharing with friends and neighbors!

Treat these like any other homemade baked good. They do not have preservatives.  Store in the refrigerator or freezer for best results.



Butternut squash is naturally sweet and a good source of fiber. It makes a healthy, low fat dog biscuit with plenty of vitamins for your pup.