Everyone’s favorite treat – cookies. Whether it’s an easy weekend baking project, or a holiday baking bonanza, you’ll find plenty of delicious options here.
Most of the cookies on my site are drop cookies, like my soft pumpkin cookie recipe, but there are roll out, or cut out, cookies, like these classic Christmas sugar cookies, and shortbread as well.
There are a few basics you’ll need when making cookies, and if you bake a lot, you’ll want to invest in some equipment.
First, you’ll need sheet pans. My favorites are these half-size sheet pans from Nordic Ware. They can stand up to the heat in your oven without warping. They are commercial grade (meaning they are good quality), so you will likely never have to replace them. They will discolor in the dishwasher, so handwash them if you prefer they stay shiny.
Another helpful item is parchment paper sheets. They are precut to fit perfectly inside a half-sheet pan. No more fighting with rolled up pieces of parchment. These lie flat with no curling edges.
Lastly, a cookie scoop will ensure that your cookies are uniform in size, which means they will all bake at the same rate. This scoop will make a medium-sized cookie, perfect for drop cookies.
As always, if you are looking for something in particular, or you have a question, shoot me at email – Cheryl (at) pookspantry.com